Psychiatrist De-Stigmatizes the Paranormal with Manuel Matas (1945 – 2022)

Dr. Manuel Matas, MD, was a clinical psychiatrist with forty years of experience in university teaching hospitals and private practice. He was a portrait artist, photographer, and public speaker. He has worked in a variety of settings, including the Scarborough Board of Education, the University of Toronto, and the University of Manitoba teaching hospitals, including St. Boniface Hospital in Winnipeg. He has served on the Board and the Scientific Council of the Canadian Psychiatric Association. He has many published articles in peer-reviewed psychiatric journals and has given presentations at national psychiatric conferences. He is author of The Borders of Normal: A Psychiatrist De-Stigmatizes the Paranormal, that was a Whistler Independent Book Awards Finalist. His Instagram account is

Throughout his life, Manuel had a number of experiences which could be considered anomalous or paranormal. It is his hope that by sharing his knowledge and experience in both psychiatry and the world unknown, he will provide a bridge between these two worlds and will give people permission to share their own experiences without shame or embarrassment. He gives advice to other psychiatrists about metapsychiatry and easily delineates between when a person is psychic or psychotic.

00:00 Introduction
02:10 Paranormal experiences
03:30 Hallucination or delusion
06:20 Stigma
08:05 Psychic or psychotic?
21:45 Metapsychiatry
31:58 Acceptance of parapsychology
44:31 Skeptics and believers
50:45 Advice to psychiatrists
51:36 Conclusion

Edited subtitles for this video are available in Russian, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, and Spanish.

New Thinking Allowed CoHost, Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L, is an intuitive healer and health coach based in St. Paul, Minnesota. She is the author of Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance With Relationships, Health, and Spirituality. Her website is

(Recorded on July 7, 2022)

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