Jocko’s “Playing the Game” vs Dr. Jordan Peterson’s “Agreeableness” – Jocko Willink December 1, 2020 toppodcasters Jocko Podcast Jocko PodcastTue, December 1, 2020 2:12amURL:Embed:Join the conversation on Twitter/Instagram: @jockowillink @echocharles Excerpt from JOCKOPODCAST 125 Related posts:Find Your Moment To Take A Breather - Jocko Podcast ExcerptHuge Victory While Awake for 96 Hours Straight - Jocko Willink & General Don BolducJocko Podcast 323: When Times Get Truly Desperate, FIX BAYONETS and GO. 20th Maine. The Civil War.Please follow and like us: