Relationships and Love After Life with Lauren Robertson

Lauren Robertson is a psychic medium who has conducted 15,000+ sittings and public demonstrations globally. She is author of The Medium in Manolos.

Here she explains that the love and relationships we have with our friends and family transcends death and can continue in the afterlife. While mediums can assist with communication with a loved one in spirit, she encourages you to develop your own personal mediumistic abilities for you to verify the bond and continuation of your loved one in sprit. We can be in the spirit world intact as ourselves with our personalities and simultaneously be a greater part of all that there is.

New Thinking Allowed Guest Host Emmy Vadnais is a licensed occupational therapist. She is author of Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance With Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.

(Recorded on February 18, 2022)

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