“As a black woman in America, why do we take most sh!t from black men?” Call In with Stefan Molyneux

“Dear Stef:

“My heart is broken, I loved this man and he disrespected me beyond anything I could have thought. I want to understand why I allow myself to be disrespected by men which in turn means I don’t respect myself. As a child I was abused sexually, mentally, physically, and any other way you can think of. I have been working on these mental health issues I’ve been diagnosed with for 13 years now. I have been diagnosed with PTSD, depression, and anxiety. He came into my life and I spoke to him about how to get his house out of foreclosure, how much character he has, and how that will be his currency in life. With good character, there is no money he can’t obtain. I explained stocks, 401(k), money markets, IRAs–and this list goes on–to try to speak life into this man. He knew everything I had been through in my last relationship of 10 years and he still spit in my face and kicked me while I was down. (Metaphorically of course). It would be nice to speak with you about all of this. As a black woman in America, I don’t get why we are the ones that have to be given the most shit from black men. My heart is so shattered right now and I need a phone call like this to help me. I don’t want to go to a dark place, but the hurt I have endured from men started with my father fucking me up, and I don’t want to be bitter, and I don’t want to take revenge. I just want someone to listen to me and possibly add something perceptive.”

Audio: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneux/as-a-black-woman-in-america-why-do-we-take-most-sht-from-black-men-call-in-with-stefan-molyneux

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