Russell Targ is a legendary physicist, author, and pioneer in the field of parapsychology. He co-founded the Stanford Research Institute’s Remote Viewing program, where he conducted groundbreaking research on psychic abilities and our human capacity to perceive remote locations and events. His numerous books include: The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities; Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness. The Heart of the Mind: How to Experience God Without Belief and Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing were both co-authored with Jane Katra. Targ’s work has challenged conventional scientific boundaries and opened up new possibilities for exploring the nature of reality.
In 2005, while working on a documentary about the evolution of human consciousness, Leanne Whitney had the opportunity to interview Russell Targ at his home in Palo Alto. This unique circumstance provided an intimate setting for an informative conversation, where Targ’s insights into parapsychology, remote viewing, and the mysterious facets of human consciousness were explored.
Leanne Whitney, PhD, is author of Consciousness in Jung and Patanjali. She is a transformational coach and also teaches yoga philosophy to yoga teachers.
Russell Targ Interview
Northern California Crew
Camera: Miklos Philips
Camera Assistant: Megumi Nishikura
Production Assistant: Aaron Nemoyten
Sound: Miklos Philips
Editor: Greg Yung
Assistant Editor: Elena McNally
Footage owned and provided by August Moon Entertainment, Inc.
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