Can you convince Ex Cons to change their ways? – Prison Talk 16.5

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Big Herc,

Just ran across your channel recently and my employee and myself have been watching the videos. He’s an inactive Latin King from Chicago and I’m a former hustler with a felony record from Little Rock, AR. I got mine selling dope like a lot of people. My employee has been incarcerated several times but now runs a halfway house down here in Ft. Lauderdale as well as works for me building drive shafts.

Just like you, I was always about the money and always went hard and it caught up with me. Instead of sending me to prison, they gave me a decade on paper and let me off after half the time. Probably some of that Arkansas racist shit since there were dudes at court with me that day getting time for less serious offenses. Anyway, immediately after getting out on paper I helped open my first drive shaft manufacturing/repair company with some partners. I later went out on my own with no partners. I started the company in my apartment and hustled it up to the point I moved to South Florida and now I have my own equipment and a good employee who can work a good job and not worry about his record.

My question is this though: how do I get more of your message out? How do I convince convicts to think outside the box and go hard just like they did with their street shit? There’s a lot of business talent out there in the prison system if they’ll just open their minds up to hustling legal stuff like I eventually did.

Keep up the good work and I send everyone to your channel that I can.


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