CLASSIC REBOOT: Poltergeist Phenomena with Stephen Braude

Stephen Braude, PhD, is an emeritus professor and former chairman of the philosophy department at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He has also served as president of the Parapsychological Association. He is author of First Person Plural: Multiple Personality and the Philosophy of Mind, Crimes of Reason, The Gold Leaf Lady, Immortal Remains, The Limits of Influence: Psychokinesis and the Philosophy of Science, and ESP and Psychokinesis. He is the recent recipient of the prestigious Myers Memorial Medal awarded by the Society for Psychical Research for outstanding contributions. He also serves as editor of the Journal of Scientific Exploration.

In this 2016 video, he points out that poltergeists are thought to represent the recurrent, spontaneous psychokinetic activity of particular individuals. This is an unconscious process not under the control of the individual. However, generally, the troubling phenomena tend to go away once psychological problems are resolved. Hauntings, on the other hand, represent similar phenomena – associated with a particular location rather than a particular person. Hundreds of such cases have been observed by researchers. The discussion covers many details and nuances found in the available research literature.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He teaches parapsychology for ministers in training with the Centers for Spiritual Living through the Holmes Institute. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.

(Recorded on March 12, 2016)

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