Dava Newman: Space Suit of the Future

Full episode with Dava Newman (Nov 2019): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fI6bYnRgSc
New clips channel (Lex Clips): https://www.youtube.com/lexclips
Once it reaches 20,000 subscribers, I’ll start posting the clips there instead.
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For now, new full episodes are released once or twice a week and 1-2 new clips or a new non-podcast video is released on all other days.

Clip from full episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fI6bYnRgSc If you enjoy these clips, subscribe to the new clips channel (Lex Clips): https://www.youtube.com/lexclips Once it reaches 20,000 subscribers, I’ll start posting the clips there instead. For now, new full episodes are released once or twice a week and 1-2 new clips or a new non-podcast video is released on all other days.
(more links below)

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Dava Newman is the Apollo Program professor of AeroAstro at MIT and the former Deputy Administrator of NASA and has been a principal investigator on four spaceflight missions. Her research interests are in aerospace biomedical engineering, investigating human performance in varying gravity environments. She has developed a space activity suit, namely the BioSuit, which would provide pressure through compression directly on the skin via the suit’s textile weave, patterning, and materials rather than with pressurized gas.

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