Early Sources on Jesus and the Early Church (Part 2 of 3)

We’re briefly stepping away from the book of Acts this week to consider how we know any of the things we’re reading about in the New Testament ever happened. There’s solid, secular, historical evidence, but it takes a minute to explain, so I decided to do a short series dealing with that topic.

How do we know things about the distant past? How do we know details about the lives of the most famous historical figures? What about Jesus? Outside the Bible, how do we know anything about Jesus or the early Church?

In this special three-part series, I talk about how studying the ancient past works, and then I take a look at a bunch of writers who mentioned details about Jesus and early Christianity in the 1st and 2nd centuries. I also compare the amount of documentation that exists to confirm details about the lives of ultra-famous Greek and Roman figures with the amount of documentation that exists to confirm details about Jesus and the Church.

In just nine lousy minutes, you can learn about history, the Bible, Jesus, Caesar, and why it’s silly when people say there’s no evidence Jesus ever existed.

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