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Question for Big Herc
Hi Herc,
I asked a question a few years back. I was asking about how someone goes about running a prison store. My father did 8 years in the state and he was having us send a lot of cigarettes and other items up there to the prison for him. When he transferred to another prison, all the Slim Jims, cookies and all that stuff he had was sent back home.
Can you do a video on how a prisoner would run a store in there?
Would he trade for services that other prisoners offer up in there?
There’s no cash money in prison right?
What kind of stuff can you trade food items for in prison?
I’m currently working as a police officer in my city. I’m from the hood, and could have easily been caught up in some mess too and had a close family member sent to prison. I just want you to know your audience is all kinds of people, even those you might not expect. Keep up the good work showing people the right way and what you learned. I like how you are getting your hustle on, doing good for the community and sharing your experience. I’m enjoying the content.
Keep it up. Sara
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