A desperate Freedomain Radio listener needs an emergency call because his wife – who said she wanted kids before she got married – now wants an abortion!
“Hey Stef,
How are things?
How about that title as clickbait? I wish it were fake news, but it is not.
Was curious if you might be able to give some philosophy on this life topic whether we talk or not.
I know we chatted last year, and boy, have some things changed. Short version: Wife found out she was pregnant in December last year and she has been instantly against it. Wanted an abortion and didn’t want to tell anyone. I said NO. She has been very upset since then. We have been to therapy on this, but she is not open minded to being a mother. She has threatened divorce and doesn’t want anything to do with the child.
I’ve been scouring the internet and talking with friends and I have not found any anecdotes of this situation. All of the stories I have found are the male/female situations reversed (I.e. woman gets pregnant, wants to keep baby, and boyfriend wants to pay for abortion).
I’ve been trying to talk and/or craft a plan to do the best in this situation, and I’m struggling.
Have you or have you had any callers that have heard of this? It’s boggling my mind.
Appreciate if you want to talk.
Thanks for your work!”
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