Prison Talk Podcast #3
In this podcast series Big Herc along with Fresh Out Co-Creator, Anthony, will cover all things prison related.
Question 1:
my name is Jayson. I was just released from WRDCC in St. Joseph Missouri a little over a month ago. I’m a little guy so in there I learned to be quiet and keep to myself. Only hung out with a few bros and really just did my bit reading and staying in my own lane, I didn’t get any shit and my time was pretty easy. It’s only a level two camp so it really ain’t shit anyways. My question is the mentality and the way of carrying myself in there has become something i can’t seem to shake on the outside and it’s not doing any good for my family relationships and how i interact with people. I’m constantly looking over my shoulder and paranoid. Two years down and i don’t wanna be like that anymore but i can’t help it. I’m clean and sober and doing right but i can’t seem to a normal person anymore. So in your experience does that fade? And if not how do you cope with it?
I think what you do is great and i like all you’re videos. They are all real as shit. Thank you.
Question 2:
With gangbanging so prominent in LA in the 90’s, how have you seen gang culture change since you went inside for your bid, compared to when you got out?
Younger bangers? harsher sentences? and what’s the advice you would give to a 14 year-old in 2018 who saw no other option than joining a gang and following that path in life?
much love from a british dude living in LA.
Current Events:
Philadelphia City Council Votes to End Cash Bail.
Baltimore Cops Accused Of Keeping BB Guns To Plant On Suspects And Robbing People Of Drugs And Cash
Cheek busting Stories with Big Herc
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Please watch: “Confessions of a Former Rampart CRASH Officer – Fresh Out: Life After The Penitentiary”