The Evolution of Psychotherapy with Paul J. Leslie

Paul J. Leslie, EdD, is a psychotherapist in private practice in Aiken, South Carolina. He is professor of psychology at Aiken College. He is author of The Art of Creating a Magical Session: Key Elements for Transformative Psychotherapy, Low Country Shamanism: An Exploration of the Magical and Healing Practices of the Coastal Carolinas and Georgia, Potential Not Pathology: Helping Your Clients Transform Using Ericksonian Psychotherapy, and Shadows in the Session: The Presence of the Anomalous in Psychotherapy.

Here he reflects on why the profession of psychotherapy is diminishing while increasingly more people are seeking help from psychics, mediums, and healing practitioners. Research evidence shows that psychotherapy does work — including a variety of short-term approaches. The most talented therapists, however, do not necessarily follow any particular school or doctrine. Instead, they are focused on the particular needs of their client — and, typically, they learn to rely upon their intuition. He argues that therapists must think of themselves as healers rather than clinicians.

(Recorded on December 16, 2019)

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