Edi Bilimoria, DPhil, FIMechE, CEng, is a Consultant Engineer and has been Project Manager and Head of Design for major projects such as the Channel Tunnel. He is a Trustee of the Scientific and Medical Network, Adviser to the Galileo Commission of the Network, a Trustee and a Council Member of the Francis Bacon Society, and was the Education Manager for the Theosophical Society in Australia. He is author of Mirages in Western Science Resolved by Occult Science, The Snake and the Rope: Problems in Western Science Resolved by Occult Science, and his four volume work, Unfolding Consciousness: Exploring the Living Universe and Intelligent Powers in Nature and Humans. His website is edibilimoria.com.
Edi shares how karma is the ultimate law of the universe that adjusts wisely and is self-actualizing. He describes the various types of karma and how the heart of karma is love.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:09:06 Karma types and meaning
00:17:41 Astrology
00:23:21 Reincarnation
00:24:22 Four aspects of karma
00:27:24 Love and entanglement
00:52:38 Desire and motivation
00:58:06 Evil forces
01:05:35 Time
01:15:13 Intuition and divine intelligence
01:19:37 Web of karma
01:27:38 Conclusion
Edited subtitles for this video are available in Russian, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, and Spanish.
New Thinking Allowed CoHost, Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L, is an intuitive healer and health coach based in St. Paul, Minnesota. She is the author of Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance With Relationships, Health, and Spirituality. Her website is https://emmyvadnais.com
(Recorded on September 16, 2024)
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