From @NewThinkingAllowed Watch full program on Emerson here
#PhilosophicalLifeHacks “DoYourOwnThing Ralph Waldo Emerson’s timeless wisdom reminds us to trust the higher angels of our nature, trust our human potential, and remember the importance of an examined life. He said “Follow Your Bliss” before Joseph Campbell. The Transcendentalist Unitarian minister brought the uniquely American philosophy promising direct connection to the divine. He is the venerated author of Self Reliance, Nature and The Oversoul and one of the earliest synthesizers of East-West spiritual thinking, Emerson laid the groundwork for the father of American psychology William James, the ensuing spirituality of the New Thought movement, even the New Age movement of the late 20th century.
#NewThinkingAllowed #ChristopherNaughton #livebetter #selfreliance #transcendentalism #spirituality