Wisdom is Bliss with Robert Thurman

Robert Thurman, PhD, is professor emeritus at Columbia University where was a teaching professor for 50 years on Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies. He was the first Westerner Tibetan Buddhist monk, ordained by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He is author of many books, including Why the Dalai Lama Matters: His Act of Truth as the Solution for China, Tibet, and the Whole World and Infinite Life: Awakening to Bliss Within. His most recent book is Wisdom is Bliss: Four Friendly Fun Facts That Can Change Your Life. His website is bobthurman.com.

Robert shares how wisdom is bliss. Ignorance is not bliss and can cause suffering. He describes the four noble truths of Buddhism as four friendly fun facts and encourages you to use your life to become generous, compassionate, and enlightened.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:24 Wisdom and Buddhism
00:25:28 Why we come to earth
00:28:50 Emptiness vs. nothing
00:30:26 Karma Theory nothing
01:02:49 Pleasure and suffering
01:06:34 Where is nirvana?
01:28:58 Four noble truths as friendly fun facts
01:37:35 What Buddha would say to world leaders
01:51:28 Conclusion

Edited subtitles for this video are available in Russian, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, and Spanish.

New Thinking Allowed CoHost, Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L, is an intuitive healer and health coach based in St. Paul, Minnesota. She is the author of Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance With Relationships, Health, and Spirituality. Her website is https://emmyvadnais.com/

(Recorded on February 24, 2023)

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To order Wisdom is Bliss by Robert Thurman go to https://amzn.to/3ZThKQA To order Why the Dalai Lama Matters by Robert Thurman, click on https://amzn.to/3lciSzs To order The Infinite Life by Robert Thurman, see https://amzn.to/3lciSzs (As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.)

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