“My Brutal Year” Feedback

Original video: https://youtu.be/H3N0O8S9HaY

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Audio: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneux/my-brutal-year-feedback

Perhaps you and Izzy can write a children’s book together that demonstrates your philosophical principles. I know that it’s been a while since you wrote fiction, but I bet it would be a blast if you did it with your daughter.

Join forces with other freethinkers and jump start a new interactive video/social/non-censored/open-for-all platform. I remember when Facebook came out of nowhere and simply demolished previously untouchable Myspace. Not sure for other users, but I personally am pretty fed up with all the commercial stuff and propaganda being pushed down our throat, on both FB and YT. Also, level of censoring on FB is becoming a joke.

I understand making a new platform is a serious job, but I believe people are ready for a new next big thing.
Whatever you do, I wish you a lot of luck and success!

What about having shows with people who have opposing views to you and you debate them. Kinda like Jesse Peterson when people ring in outraged, but maybe more intellectual

I believe in the marketplace of ideas/capitalism. If something can’t survive in the market then he should and will be replaced with something which can. This is capitalism working as it should. Also, all things run their natural course. Creators run out of new ideas, it’s not a bad thing it’s just a natural aspect of the creative process.

Just listened to this on podbean so here is my 2 cents: you cannot give up your booked gigs! You cannot admit that the SJWs have defeated you and hide from the public. You need to make cheap documentary footage, just get your fans to compile it on their phones. That stuff is gold. Nothing makes money like drama nd conflict. Besides, if you aren’t able to take their attacks and keep going maybe ypu are in the wrong business. It is only going to get worse, you know.

I have to be honest Stef.. I really haven’t found the documentaries to be interesting. I’m sort of interested in the HK ones partly because I lived there briefly in the 90’s. But I think your core listenership probably less so than you think. Or are you getting viewers from HK now?

I probably have backed off watching your content now for a couple of years. Only watching the odd few that catch my interest. But then again I am more selective about my viewing both content and habit wise these days. I also think it’s probably a struggle to retain the enthusiasm of a 10 year listener too, whilst engaging with new listeners.

I do think you misunderstand why Dave Rubin wont connect with you. It’s obvious to most of your audience why. Whilst you might have some crossover. He’s a gameshow compared to yours.

Also, yourself and others in a similar situation of getting blacklisted on youtube need to collectively push and support one new platform. whatever that is, if all the cool people are there it will grow faster than a bunch of people randomly pushing their own ideas.

Stefan, I think the public speaking can work but you need to have security. Which means cost will be a bit higher, but its unavoidable. I was one of the people that was denied listening to you in Vancouver because of pantifa scumbags. Hope you consider the option of a better thought out speaking tour with security.

Can you do something about that awful wikipedia entry of yours? I have made the experience that new people dismiss you quickly because of it…

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